Welcome to Shema Kehillah – Our Global Prophetic Community!
One of my favorite things about being a Christian is being able to hear the voice of God. For the last almost 15 years, one of my greatest joys has been training, imparting, and releasing people in the grace gift of prophecy.
Over the past few months, God has been weighing on my heart to launch something new. The more we talk about it, the more excited I get about this beautiful vision He’s given.
It’s called Shema. That’s the Hebrew word for listen and obey. (It’s a whole concept that I explain in the Shema video.) My dream is to build a vibrant prophetic community filled with people that prioritize hearing the voice of God. We hear God for ourselves and for each other. We encourage each other to live a prophetic lifestyle – a life lived by God’s whispers.
Learn and Grow
This is a series of Masterclasses and Mentoring courses designed to teach you to hear the voice of God and then help you grow in the grace gift of prophecy.
The courses are as follows:

The next arm is Receive/Give where you can receive prophetic words, prophetic consulting, and prophetic processing consulting. When you’re at a point of maturity in the prophetic, you can be the one giving.
Click the links below to learn more.